Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Win

How and Why you should Become a 

Winner in Life!

Since ancient times, society has always praised  winners. Winning is and has become the central core of society , and everything that we do revolves around this one dynamic. And I just want to add a favorite quote “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.

Do you want to beat each and every opponent that crosses your path? Do you want to win each and every time? Do you want to be a true winner? If you have said yes, here is how to win always.

Have a winner's mentality: You have to be psychologically and mentally prepared for it, so be positive and believe in yourself. This is the most                 important part to win at everything, if you think that you can win, you are         right; if you think that you can't win, you are also right.

Plan your strategy: Develop a good plan to beat your opponent, know his weak points, and attack them, also know yourself. Know the game rules and         use them at your favor.

Use the fundamentals: If you know how to apply the basic movements or tricks, then you will be ahead of your opponents. Learn how to play the game     and develop self skills to win easily.

Take risks: You have to risk yourself to win, the best defense is the attack, don't be afraid of anything; because if you risk, then you will win.

Concentrate: If you concentrate, then you have more possibilities of success than your opponent; forget yourself and your problems and focus on the game     to make it happen.

Play as a team (if applies): The best games are the ones that are won as a team. You have to know your role as a team member, know the other's roles and know the game. Look to benefit your team, not yourself.

Don't mercy your opponent: You don't have to forgive him, play at your best and play rude, don't give him any chance.

Encourage yourself to keep learning. Never stop educating yourself throughout your life. It will keep your brain sharp, lower your risk for diseases like Alzheimer's, and give you interesting things to discuss with other people. Start with subjects that are interesting to you, such as video game design or historical costuming.[4]
  • Educate yourself about what is happening in the world: advances in science, medicine, politics, art, and current events. This keeps you in touch with what is going on.
  • Try to learn a new skill, such as knitting, speaking a foreign language, or understanding astrophysics.
  • Reading books and articles, watching the news and documentaries, or doing online tutorials are all great ways to keep learning

The Benefits of Winning

Victory tastes very sweet and there are many advantages to winning, as the harder the win was, the sweeter the taste of victory is.  You start feeling better about yourself and you improve your confidence, you boost up your morale and your desire to win, becomes greater than the fear of losing.

BE Mech, MTech IEM, PGD Operations
Corporate Leadership Certified (USA )
Fellow of Management and Strategy Institute (USA)
 Softskills and Personality Development (IIT -Kanpur)
Founder & CEO 
SRH Management Consultants and Trainers 

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